Web Page Designer


In 1996 SFAC created a web page on the UCLA Student Group Webserver (www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/sfac).  This webserver is maintained by Student and Campus Life’s Center for Student Programming (CSP).  Our page was last updated in March of 1998 and is in serious need of revisions.  The CSP can offer technical support in the creating and updating of pages, but it does not specialize in web design.  Any special formatting of the page would be up to the knowledge and creativity of our designer.  At the very least, we must enter in information for last year’s committee, which had no web page designer, and for this year’s committee.


Our site currently consists of six pages:


The Introduction page gives brief background on SFAC and guidelines for units interested in applying for reg fee funding.  It also has links to Student Services, USAC, and GSA pages.


The General Information page has our mission and charter.  It has a place to login for SFAC subcommittee information, but that site is missing.


The Documents page has a history of student fees and of the incidental fee.


The Personnel page has a roster of names from the 97-98 and 98-99 committees.  It does not have the names of the 99-00 or current committees.


The Schedule page has the meeting schedules of the 97-98 and 98-99 committees, complete with minutes from each meeting.  It does not have the meeting schedule or minutes from the 99-00 committee or the fall schedule for the current committee.


The Continuity Book discusses issues addressed by the 97-98 and 98-99 committees.  The page does not include issues that last year’s SFAC dealt with, such as the Ackerman fee, the UCSA proposal, the SPARC referendum, and the IEI fee.  It also does not have the 99-00 Subcommittee Reports.


We should advertise this site and make it more accessible to the campus community.

The general page for the Student Group Webserver has a search option.  However, the option does not work for the group name “SFAC” or “Student Fee Advisory Committee.”  These terms also do not work in a UCLA Homepage search.  At present, students have little way of finding our site unless they know the address already.


Reggie Allen, Spring 2000